The Skeptic Patriot's Blog

Exploring politics, family, technology, and public service with a balanced perspective…

A Centrist’s Perspective

Exploring politics with a neutral lens.

Gain insights into current events and political discourse from a former police officer’s unique viewpoint.

Just another opinionated progressive…

My name is Will. You will quickly realize that I am no poet, literature major or even an average person with good grammar. I will do my best though. I am bothered a lot by politics and religion and therefore you will likely see a lot of posts about those topics. Many think I lean toward the left end of the political spectrum. Those people may be right and they may be wrong. I really consider myself a libertarian leaning independent though because I really don’t believe in deciding an issue before you know what the issue is and therefore I don’t call myself a democrat or republican. There have been times in my life in which I have been both. They both have some great values, and they both have some serious flaws. I have relatively middle of the road views I think, BUT I believe in progressing as a nation, as a society and as a culture. I have a lot of libertarian views. I have a few liberal views, and I have many conservative views.

I believe it is the government’s job to protect people. Laws are to be passed for the safety and protection of the citizens. If a law or regulation is being passed to help or protect then it is being done correctly. There will certainly be more on my views on this in a post or two.

I believe in the rule of law for all people. I also believe in equal protection under that law for all people.

I believe in religious freedom. I believe everyone has the right to worship however or whomever they wish as long as it doesn’t infringe on someone else’s rights. You also have a right to no religion and not to have any religion pushed upon you.

I believe in a free press. I believe all press should report the news and not comment on it. This is why nearly every news outlet today is flawed. The right attacks CNN and NBC, the left attacks Fox News. Guess what, they are both right. All of these news organizations give commentary. We need to separate commentary and pundits from our news. We need an unbiased reporting of the news. We need to bring back the days of Walter Cronkite. Entertainment channels are the place for commentary and pundits.

I have some interesting views on the second amendment and gun rights too.

I also believe politicians need to quit lying and dodging questions. They all do it. It has not gotten to the worst point in our history. They need to be responsible to the voters. We have a right to know, and we have a right to the truth.

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